Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Ella and I are in our last morning in San Francisco, and we thought it appropriate to try to get some pictures up here before our departure.
This is Ella.
And this is me (Clare).
This is a sunset in the "breadbasket of America" (as dictated by our conductor during his "opening remarks."). I'm pretty sure that's some flooding from the Mississippi River you're seeing in the bottom there.

This is morning mist, still in the breadbasket.

This is a sunrise in Nebraska.. or maybe Colorado.
This is our hands-down favorite person on the entire trip, Israel. He is two, maybe three (he said two but held up three fingers) and kept us highly entertained with morning peek-a-boo. He is one of those kids that definitely knows how cute he is.


Ella and I in Denver, the first time around. Notice the nice morning light and blind optimism.

This is where we spent all of our time. Seriously, just about every last drop of it. The sightseeing car was the happening place on the train.

On our ascent into the Rockies.

The view right before heading into a tunnel. We had to deal with this pretty often that day since there are a lot of tunnels between Denver and the other side of the Rockies, and we passed through twice.

Beautiful Rockies.

Ella and I, in Fraser, Colorado. This was the end point for our Rockies excursion, as it was all (literally and otherwise) downhill from there.

And then we woke up in Utah. Our train had to change crews so we got to walk around a bit. See Ella walking.

Our valiant California Zephyr.

Ella and I are still waking up, but getting to walk around in Utah was an opportunity we couldn't pass up.

My foot in Utah (or an ad for Smartwool, you decide).

This landscape apparently exists in America.

Two+ days on the train is treating Ella really well. Our friend Doug is in the background. Ella will tell you about Doug when she finally posts.

I am similarly doing quite well after a few days. Notice in particular the fact that we are wearing the same clothing in all these pictures.

Ella and I on the train. By the looks of us you'd think we're happy, but we're actually in the midst of a fierce backgammon game and feeling quite competitive.

Entering the salt flats. This might actually be part of Salt Lake. Either way, Utah is pretty cool.

Salt. (Diana, we were of course thinking of you through the duration of our salt adventures.)

The hands of someone used to losing in backgammon. I thought I was pretty good at it until Ella and I started playing. She's vicious.

Our train, riding off into the sunset.


the review kiwi said...

Hi there, just stumbled on your blog. Awesome pics, looks like a sweet place, would love to go the states for a look one day. Looks like an awesome trip! Have a good one :)

Liz said...

that is definitly a sunrise in nebraska. colorado would have the mountains in it :-)