Sunday, November 9, 2008


Ella is currently struggling with the internet cafe gods to get some pictures up here, but in the meantime, I would love to tell you all about my new best friend (sorry, Ella), Bruno.

Bruno the lamb is an orphan lamb that lives in the paddock next to Branwyn and Brent's house. Interests include grazing, bleating, staring vacantly, and frolicking. Ella and I were given the good fortune of bottle feeding him twice a day, which is always a fun and slobbery process. Bruno is seemingly incapable of getting all of the formula from the bottle into his mouth and rather gets it all over his face and usually on his body as well.

When Bruno sees us he stares vacantly for a moment and then gallops in our direction through the field. You can picture the wind blowing through his short wool while he does so, the sunlight hitting him in just the right way. Through our relationship with Bruno we have been fortunate enough to learn that sheep are actually the dumbest animals in creation, though Ella and I know that although Bruno is far too stupid to understand love, he loves us.

Bruno is also incredibly fat. Apparently when Brent first brought him to the nearby paddock to nurse him back to health, he was a scrawny, bony little lamb. This is clearly no longer the case. Bruno's stomach is so huge that you can see it looking from the front and, trust me, it never ceases to amaze how a little lamb like Bruno could be so fat and still move with such ease.

Another physical point of hilarity is Bruno's tail. As it turns out, sheep have their tails clipped in an effort to keep the tail from being absolutely covered in poop, so while we are all used to picturing sheep with little docked tails, they are actually kind of like dogs' tails and wag appropriately. Bruno's tail winds around and around and around like a propeller on a helicopter, providing no end of delight to us.

In short, what I am trying to say is this: Bruno, we love you, and even though you will be dinner some day, we know your vacant little soul will be frolicking in the big paddock in the sky.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok, so I finally read all of your amazing posts. Thank you both, it's wonderful to live vicariously through you...although I must say I think i might prefer living in seeing-each-other distance instead (selfish, i know)