Saturday, October 18, 2008

fun in san fran

Okay, so here's a bit more on the highlights in San Francisco (we were there for just under a week):
1) Seeing family and friends (for me, for Clare it was meeting family and friends) was absolutely wonderful especially because the guest list included many with whom visits are few and far between. It was great to get a chance to catch up with family members at Tabitha and Laurie's wedding, which was one of the prettiest ceremonies I'd ever been to - they both wore gold dresses and it was beautiful! Plus, who should show up but my newest little cousin Henry with the biggest smile I've ever seen on a little kid :-) Jealousy abounds among family back on the East coast, I know, but no worries, we will definitely include baby pics upon arrival to Branwyns - I promise. We also got a chance to spend some time with/invade the apartment of my friend Maggie (included is a shout out to her roommates who let us take over their livingroom) which was truly awesome because I hadn't gotten a chance to see her since our stay in Bolivia so it was great to get a chance to see her in her new natural habitat of San Francisco.
2) The wedding itself. Good people, good setting, good music, dancing and food. What more could you ask for? It was themed with fall colors, so lots of golds and rusts and greens. Branwyn made flower arrangements, Ellen the cakes, Laurie's dad sang to the newlyweds accompanied by his guitar, and there was many a heartfelt speech. It was really moving actually. Plus a setting sun in the background. So picturesque. Sigh...!
3) Tromping around the city itself was highly enjoyable. (Except for the parts where our legs were ready to collapse from climbing uphill to catch the bus, or falling downhill to do the same.) The weather however was beautiful day in and day out, sunny, sunny, sunny. We had fun wandering around the wharfs visiting sea lions, exploring the Mission, munching on Russian food, and biking the Golden Gate bridge. (Although we definitely did some walking alongside our bikes uphill on either side, biking over the bridge itself was quite fun!)
All in all, a lovely stay and we set off from there rejuvinated and excited for the next leg of the trip: land of the sheep. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Anneke Lundberg said...

Hard to believe you were just in SF!? And now...OCEANIA explorations! One big adventure these next three months.
I miss you loads...Mamacita